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Make tracks (to ) conjugation

32 examples
This verb can also mean the following: go away, leave, depart

Conjugation of make tracks

you all
Present Simple
make tracks
make tracks
makes tracks
make tracks
make tracks
make tracks
Future Simple
will make tracks
will make tracks
will make tracks
will make tracks
will make tracks
will make tracks
Past Simple
made tracks
made tracks
made tracks
made tracks
made tracks
made tracks
Conditional Simple
would make tracks
would make tracks
would make tracks
would make tracks
would make tracks
would make tracks
you all
Present Progressive
am making tracks
are making tracks
is making tracks
are making tracks
are making tracks
are making tracks
Future Progressive
will be making tracks
will be making tracks
will be making tracks
will be making tracks
will be making tracks
will be making tracks
Past Progressive
was making tracks
were making tracks
was making tracks
were making tracks
were making tracks
were making tracks
Conditional Progressive
would be making tracks
would be making tracks
would be making tracks
would be making tracks
would be making tracks
would be making tracks
you all
Present Perfect
have made tracks
have made tracks
has made tracks
have made tracks
have made tracks
have made tracks
Future Perfect
will have made tracks
will have made tracks
will have made tracks
will have made tracks
will have made tracks
will have made tracks
Past Perfect
had made tracks
had made tracks
had made tracks
had made tracks
had made tracks
had made tracks
Conditional Perfect
would have made tracks
would have made tracks
would have made tracks
would have made tracks
would have made tracks
would have made tracks
Present Perfect Progressive
have been making tracks
have been making tracks
has been making tracks
have been making tracks
have been making tracks
have been making tracks
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been making tracks
will have been making tracks
will have been making tracks
will have been making tracks
will have been making tracks
will have been making tracks
Past Perfect Progressive
had been making tracks
had been making tracks
had been making tracks
had been making tracks
had been making tracks
had been making tracks
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been making tracks
would have been making tracks
would have been making tracks
would have been making tracks
would have been making tracks
would have been making tracks

Examples of make tracks

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
- I'm telling you to make tracks.
- Morphy, we gotta make tracks.
- We better make tracks.
All right, come on, let's make tracks.
All right, guys, come on, time to make tracks.
- I'm telling you to make tracks.
- Morphy, we gotta make tracks.
- We better make tracks.
All right, come on, let's make tracks.
All right, guys, come on, time to make tracks.
- Hang on a second. Old, but this pickup makes tracks.
- Hang on a second. Old, but this pickup makes tracks.
- We made tracks. Denise was out cold She slept on.
And then made tracks for a sensational engagement in Dallas.
Been half an orphan all his life, which is why I made tracks.
Maybe they'll just take a look at the coach and ride on. Indian ponies made tracks all over.
We made tracks.
- Well Maisie, I'd better be making tracks.
- You'd better be making tracks, Dex.
And so, he was charging through the leaves, making tracks.
He's making tracks to get out of town while he still can.
He's making tracks to the Oval Office, and he's armed.
- We made tracks. Denise was out cold She slept on.
And then made tracks for a sensational engagement in Dallas.
Been half an orphan all his life, which is why I made tracks.
Maybe they'll just take a look at the coach and ride on. Indian ponies made tracks all over.
We made tracks.
- Well Maisie, I'd better be making tracks.
- You'd better be making tracks, Dex.
And so, he was charging through the leaves, making tracks.
He's making tracks to get out of town while he still can.
He's making tracks to the Oval Office, and he's armed.

More English verbs


Not found
We have none.


Not found
We have none.

Similar but longer

Not found
We have none.


make a muscle
make a muscle
make news
make news
make tracks for
make tracks for
make up
make up

Other English verbs with the meaning similar to '':

None found.